Please bring your Deposit Bottles & Cans to the Bristol Library to
Recycle. There is a bin in the parking lot. We use the revenue generated for special programs!
Donate to the Bristol Library
We appreciate your support in keeping the library operating and providing services for the community. We are a 501(3)C Tax exempt non profit organization. Your contribution is Tax Deductible.- THANK YOU!
Please Mail or bring your donation to Bristol Library 6750 County Road #32, Canandaigua , NY 14424
You may also donate online via Paypal.
State:__________________ Zip:____________________
Please apply/my donation of $______________________ to
____ General Operating Expenses(materials, technology, programs)
_____ Memorial Gift (in memory of loved one will be acknowledged)
In memory of:_____________________________________
_____Honorary Gift (in honor of loved one will be acknowledged)
In honor of:_________________________________________
Who should we notify of this gift? Please include address:__________________________________________________________
Click here to DOWNLOAD
Donation Form
Go to: and choose Supporting Bristol Library.
Each time you do an online amazon order, they will donate some money to the Bristol Library -The small donation comes from Amazon,
based on your
purchases help us
all year long!